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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Ch12 Anesia Potter 23, Aschs Classic Study on Conformity which involved Aschs use of comparison lines and a standard line finding, Social Psychology can be defined as the scientific study of how a persons thoughts, feelings and behavior are influenced by the real, imagined or implied presence, a response positive or negative to a certain person, object idea or situation this is formed with the ABC's of attitude formation Affective Component, the ways in which a persons behavior can be affected by other people examples of this Group Behavior, changing ones own behavior to match that of other people which intrigued psychologist such as Solomon Asch (1951) conducted the first of seven studies on conformity., Group Behavior has many examples such as Group polarization, Social Psychology psychologist study Interpersonal Attraction, the ways in which a persons behavior can be affected by other people examples of this Compliance, the ways people think about other people examples of this Impression Formation, This is... examples of consumer psych. are Lowball Technique, Group polarization which is when the prescence of others increase extreme positions, Social Psychology has three main areas social cognition, Interpersonal Attraction such as The Triangular Theory of Love, Interpersonal Attraction such as The rules of Attraction, Thats Not All Technique is the famous infomercial sales pitch where You add something extra so that you can persuade the buyer, Conformity is defined as changing ones own behavior to match that of other people, the positive and negative aspects of people relating to others examples of this Prejudice, This is... examples of consumer psych. are Door in Face Technique, the ways people think about other people examples of this Attitudes, This is... examples of consumer psych. are Thats Not All Technique