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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: jinproject3, Task analysis ???? Pre-requisite: Studnents need to grasp the knowledge of fireworks and other adobe creative suites., Evaluate the function of the website ???? redesign website, Task Analysis ???? Prequisite: Acqire the skill of Dreamweaver and photoshop, Web design class ???? objective 3, Studnets demonstrate the website by applyingt this skils ???? Students need to modiofity the font, sinze and style and justification, Students need to redesign the website ???? Studnets will be accessed by criteria, use notepad to write code for webs ???? Evaluate the function of the website, Students need to modiofity the font, sinze and style and justification ???? Students need to redesign the website, Prequisite: Acqire the skill of Dreamweaver and photoshop ???? Studnets need to design one webiste by utilizing Dreamweaver, Objective 1 Given a web design class for college students, students are required to create their own website by applying their knowledge and skills of hard-coding css and html to a higher level., Pre-requisite: Studnents need to grasp the knowledge of fireworks and other adobe creative suites. ???? Studnets demonstrate the website by applyingt this skils, objective 3 Given studdents have mastered dreamweaver and photpshop, they are required to create a website by applying those two tools to a higher level., Web design class ???? objective 1, objective 1 ???? Task Analysis, Web design class ???? Objective 2, Studnets need to design one webiste by utilizing Dreamweaver ???? Studnets should analyze the advantages and disadvantages of how it for web-design, use notepad to write code for webs ???? creare first website, Task Analysis ???? understand the meaning of the html and CSS, objective 3 ???? Task Analysis, Objective 2 Given students have masterd operating system of MAC, they are required to create a website by applying adobe creative suites and apple pro software to a higher level.