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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Sullivan Caitlin What is Learning, Analytical Looking at detail for weighing opinions, Evaluative Making an estimation of Value, Evaluative Involves complex judgement skills of Critical Thinking, YES The learning could be Evaluative, Evaluative Making an estimation of Merrit, YES The learning could be Self Discovery, What is learning? High order learning? YES, NO Bloom's lowest levels of learning are Knowledge, Knowledge Then a subject can Paraphrase, Comprehension Then a subject can Recall, YES HOTS High Order Thinking Skills, Comprehension Then a subject can Duplicate, Discuss all so the subject can Understand, Self Discovery Can Involve pattern detection, Analytical Looking at detail for believability, High Order Thinking Skills The learning could be Analytical, Analytical Involves complex judgement skills of Critical Thinking, Describe all so the subject can Understand, NO Bloom's lowest levels of learning are Comprehension, Knowledge Then a subject can Explain