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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Kaitlyn Johnson ch 6 20, Recognition: match incoming sensory info ???? Falso positives can occur, Organic:problems in brain function ???? Anterograde, Forgetting: studied by Ebbinghas in 1913 research produced forgetting curve ???? Memory Trace Decay:overtime neuronal connection can decay, Neuroscience of Memory ???? Hippocampus:plays a vital role in the formation of new declarative long term memories, Retrieval ???? Retrieval cues:make retrieval easier, Interference:other infor interferes w/ retrieval ???? Proactive:previously learned, Declarative Memory: explicative ???? Semantic Memory: facts general knowledge, Short term:capacity limited(3-5 words) duration without rehearsal(12-30 seconds) ???? Chunking & maintenance rehearsal can be used to increase capacity and duration, Reconstructive Long term memory ???? Memory retrieval problems, Interference:other infor interferes w/ retrieval ???? Retroactive: newly aquired, Organic:problems in brain function ???? Retrograde, Long term memory ???? Auto encoding: stong emotional ties make vivid memories, Long term memory ???? Procedural Memory: (implicit memory) motor skills, habits, clasically conditioned reflexes, Memory retrieval problems ???? Reliability of memory retrieval: false memories come from change in consciousness., Constructive processing of memories ???? Memories are built at time of retrieval, Forgetting: studied by Ebbinghas in 1913 research produced forgetting curve ???? Encoding Failure:nonattended information is not encoded into memory., Recall vs. Recognition ???? Recall: few or no external clues, Amnesia ???? Organic:problems in brain function, Anterograde ???? Patient H.M., Constructive processing of memories ???? Memories are rarely completely accurate & become less accurate over time