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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Two-Way Tables, data from Two different Categories, Two-Way Tables similar to Venn Diagram, Totals represents Marginal Distribtution, Two-Way Tables to read Identify bivariate data, Different depending on Relative Frequency for Columns, Two-Way Tables entries displayed as Relative Fequences, Venn Diagram examines Relative Frequency, Two-Way Tables also known as Contingency Table, Relationships can be Different, Table check Sum of Rows, Collect Data create Table, Two-Way Tables also known as Two-Way Classfication Tables, Two-Way Tables collected by Census, Two-Way Tables to construct Collect Data, Relative Frequency shows Relative Frequencies, Two-Way Tables collected by Sample Survey, Marginal Distribtution represents Total Column, Two-Way Tables entries displayed as Frequency Counts, Two-Way Tables examines Relative Frequency, Two-Way Tables to graph Stacked Bar Chart