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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Alternative linear hierarchial structure, Learner as person in the world something content, content ???? Social and Psychological Orientation, Learning as a social process ???? Debate, Individualised Learning ???? Psychological, content ???? content, content ???? content, content ???? Learner as person in the world, Social and Psychological Orientation ???? content, Learning is a social process ???? Cognitive Apprenticeship, Learning as a social process ???? ????, Learning as a social process Somewhat shows Focus on the Process, Learner as anonymous ???? ????, Educator as person in the world Values the Learner as Person in the world, content ???? ????, Learner Centred Approach Requires that ????, Socio-cultural theory (SCT) Argues that Learning is a social Process that questions societies established status quo. It ensures the learner becomes aware of societies injustices, Educator as person in the world and also highly regards the Learner as Person in the world, content ???? ????, Content is dynamic and questionable ???? ????, Learning occurs in a socio-cultural practice. It's shaped by communities of practice Highlights the importance of a Learner Centred Approach