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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Fluid and electrolye transport - Offerman, Distal colon By Cl- channels and paracellular (conc gradient), Distal colon By Voltage diffusion paracellular, Immune cell products include Histamine, Jejunum By Glucose cotransporter, Electrolytes Include HCO3-, Electrolytes Secretion enhanced by Secretagogues, Jejunum By Solvent Drag, Intestine By Osmosis, Hormones include Guanylin, Cl- Is absorbed Proximal Colon, Secretagogues include Neurotransmitters, Water Large absorption Intestine, Ileum By Cl-HCO3 exchagner, Jejunum By Cl- channels and paracellular (conc gradient), Electrolytes Include Cl-, Na+ Is secreted in Everywhere paracellularly, Cl- Is absorbed Jejunum, Proximal Colon By Parallel Na-H, Cl-HCO3 exchangers, Distal colon By Cl-HCO3 exchagner, Ileum By Amino acid cotransporter