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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: IBD ak, Main concepts (e.g. Clinical response) are denoted by Larger bold font with thicker outline, FDA IBD Efficacy Points assesses Mucosal healing, FDA IBD Efficacy Points assesses Clinical remission, Repeated concepts/instances (e.g. Biopsy) are denoted by dotted outline, Clinical remission determined_by Mayo score, Mayo score consists_of Endoscopy Subscores, Mucosal Appearance produces Mucosal appearance subscore by central reader, Histology assessment produces Central Lab histology subscore, Endoscopy results include Histology assessment, Concepts with open questions are denoted in red font, FDA IBD Efficacy Points assesses Corticosteroid-free remission (CSFR), Therapeutic Efficacy Point is the intersection of Physiolgoical Process, Mucosal healing is based on Endoscopy results, Visual Assessment includes Mucosal Appearance, Observation or Assessment is used to monitor the state of Physiolgoical Process, Histology assessment produces Local Lab histology subscore, Mucosal Appearance produces Mucosal appearance subscore by endoscopist, Corticosteroid-free remission (CSFR) derived_from Clinical remission, Therapeutic Efficacy Point is the intersection of Observation or Assessment, Mayo score consists_of Patient Reported Outcomes