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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: LikeAG6-GeritolSolution, Iron Fertilization in Ocean, Eaten by Bacteria Bacteria releases CH4, NO to the atmosphere Worse than CO2 substance in the air, Phytonplankton Dies Float/Rise to the surface Eaten by Bacteria, Phytoplankton takes up CO2 Exponential growth of Phytoplankton Iron Stack depleted, Iron Stack depleted Lack of nutrient from Iron depletion Phytonplankton Dies, Ocean Increase of nutrient contained Phytoplankton population increase, Phytoplankton population increase Photoplankton Photosynthesis Phytoplankton takes up CO2, Phytonplankton Dies Phytoplankton sinks to the ocean bottom Carbon stock on Ocean Bottom (Dead Phytonplankton)