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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Lab 1, Pre-operative Care comprises of Restraint, NSAID at a dose of 1.1- 2.2mg/kg- Slow IV, Xylazine is a Alpha 2 Adrenergic Agonist, Castration surgical strategy is Intra-Operative Procedure, Surgical Assessment with respect to Physical Exam, Surgical Strategy can give rise to Complications, Skilfull Technique with chosen dehorning method. e.g. Barnes Dehorner, Surgical Strategy depended on Age of animal, Systemic by use of Flunixin, Pre-operative Care calculating Drug Volumes, Post-operative Care depends on Infection, Flunixin is a NSAID, Nerves and Nerve blocks, Effects & Side effects can be reversed by an Alpha-adrenergic Blocking Agent, Drug Administration includes Analgesic, Skilfull Technique with chosen dehorning method. e.g. Gigli Wire, Infection informing farmer on Aftercare, Post-operative Care includes Follow-up, Procaine Benzylpenicillin give at a dosage of 1ml suspension/ 10- 20kg Combikel Preparation, Drug Volumes followed by Drug administration