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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Intersensory Matching Task, Intersensory Matching task Do kids perceive multisensory events as coherent? detection of AV synchrony/asynchrony relations + temporal window, ???? ???? complexity of stimuli, Intersensory Matching task Do kids perceive multisensory events as coherent? Gender in face and voices more arbitrary less demanding in term of audio processing than articulatory info, visual access to phoneme (visemes) ???? complexity of stimuli, ???? ???? AV speech and non speech info may be perceived/integrated differently, detection of AV synchrony/asynchrony relations + temporal window ???? IC can detect synchrony but larger temporal window?, Intersensory Matching task Do kids perceive multisensory events as coherent? ????, Gender in face and voices more arbitrary less demanding in term of audio processing than articulatory info ???? could it be used as control learning?