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Este Cmap, tiene informaciĆ³n relacionada con: BorjaParraga, do you manage to get through your reading you need to Set a time frame, Reading and remembering How do you manage to get through your reading, If you use your own cognitive strengths ???? Imagine, visualise, recite your academic material, do you remember what you have read It will be easier If you have organised, dissected, questioned, reviewed and assessed the material, Reading and remembering How do you remember what you have read, do you manage to get through your reading you need to Make especific questions before starting to read, do you manage to get through your reading you need to Be selective, do you remember what you have read It will be easier If you try dividing your reading into shortish sections, Reading and remembering What is the problem ineffective methods of reading and remembering, do you manage to get through your reading you need to Look for the summary, conclusion, subheadings.., do you remember what you have read It will be easier If you use your own cognitive strengths, Reading and remembering How do you manage to get through your reading, If you try dividing your reading into shortish sections ???? Don't take notes while reading, do you manage to get through your reading you need to Read only as much as you need to get the info, do you remember what you have read It will be easier If you get involved