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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: LAS Assignment 8 - Mammary Surgery, Equipment To be used includes Brown-Adson Thumb Forceps, Anatomy of Udder including Nerve Supply, Equipment to be used Johnson button 6 inch plastic trocar, Mammary Surgery Veterinarians must have good knowledge of... Milk Ejection Mechanism, Equipment To be used includes Teat Bistoury, Mammary Surgery Considerations Before Mammary Surgery include... Client Factors, Complications Teat Surgery may result in... Wound Dehiscence, Ligaments including Lateral Suspensory Ligament, Equipment to be used re-insertion of prolapsed tissue lubricant, Equipment to be used Johnson button Cotter pin, Detailed Physical Examination consists of... Inspection of Udder, Intra-Op include Control Hemorrhage, Prolapse Repair Considerations before this surgery include... Client factors, Pre-Op consider Application of Torniquet, Pre-Op consider Drugs, Anatomy of Udder including Ligaments, Surgical Procedure Includes Post-Op Procedures, Equipment To be used includes Lichy Teat Knife, Mammary Surgery Veterinarians must have good knowledge of... Healing Process of Udder, Type of prolapse is it... cervical?