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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: PUlmonary Week 7, constriction triggered by vasopressin angiotensin norepinephrine, dilation triggered by local metabolites, humoral factors, Coronary regulation results in constriction, dilation triggered by bradykinin NO epinephrine prostacyclin EDHF, dilation may lead to Hyperemia, Hyperemia is reactive in Reperfusion, Pulmonary regulation results in constriction, How is pulmonary and coronary circulation regulated? clotting cascade, dilation actively regulated by endothelium-derived relaxing factors, Pulmonary characterized by low blood pressure (normal: 25/10), fibrin broken down via fibrinolysis, dilation triggered by hypoxia, How is pulmonary and coronary circulation regulated? Coronary, Pulmonary regulation results in dilation, dilation passively regulated by recruitment and distention, constriction triggered by hypoxia, constriction triggered by Intracellular Calcium, local metabolites, humoral factors vasopressin angiotensin norepinephrine, local metabolites, humoral factors bradykinin NO epinephrine prostacyclin EDHF, clotting cascade makes clots made of fibrin