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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Radiation Exposure, Shuttle Radiation mitigation above 1000km, Weather asteroid surface of mining minerals, Spacesuit added shielding layer Demron, boron nitride added shielding layer Aerogel Multifoil (HyMATI), above 1000km ideal shielding boron nitride, Shielding to protect Crew, above 1000km to protect from surface of mining minerals, liquid hydrogen added shielding layer basalt, Radiation Exposure Manned control Shielding, Spacesuit added shielding layer Aerogel Multifoil (HyMATI), below 1000km self shielding Aluminum, polyethylene added shielding layer basalt, Radiation Exposure Environmental control Weather, liquid hydrogen added shielding layer Aerogel Multifoil (HyMATI), above 1000km ideal shielding high density, Weather solar flares SPE (solar particle events), high density ???? polyethylene, Crew radiation mitigated by Spacesuit, Shuttle Radiation mitigation below 1000km, above 1000km to protect from galactic cosmic rays (GCR)