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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: IBD 6a - new guidance, Responder analysis compared between Treatment arms, Friability Score account for Endoscopic findings, Concepts (e.g. Standardized Procedures) are denoted by solid round-edged rectangle, Repeated concepts/instances (e.g. Stool Frequency) are denoted by dotted outline, instance of concepts (e.g. Video equipment) are denoted by solid square-edged rectangle, Other Scores account for SF, Stool frequency (SF) assessed between Defined time period, Treatment arms measured between Baseline timepoint, Other Scores account for Endoscopic findings, Friability Score account for Physicial's global assessment, Rectal bleeding (RB) quantified by Any blood No blood, Other Scores account for RB, Endoscopic assessment scale includes Histological assessment of mucosa, Rectal bleeding (RB) documented by Signs and symptoms assessment scale, Endoscopic assessment measured by Endoscopic assessment scale, Scoring of characteristics with subjective elements include Friability Score, Signs and symptoms assessment scale has pertinent information Patient reported outcomes (PRO), Patient reported outcomes (PRO) summarized by Standardized instructions, Clinical remission includes Rectal bleeding (RB), Therapeutic Efficacy Point are defined by Observation or Assessment