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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: UC 8 - new guidance, Handling Discrepancies occur with Endoscopist, Main concepts (e.g. Clinical remission) are denoted by Larger bold font with thicker outline, Stool Frequency Subscore recorded Daily, Repeated concepts/instances (e.g. Stool Frequency) are denoted by Dotted outline, Endoscopic Subscore has procedure for Handling Discrepancies, Stool Frequency Subscore includes UCDAI, UCDAI graded as 0 = Normal 1 = Mild friability 2 = Moderate friability 3 = Exudation, spontaneous bleeding, Clinical Remission includes Stool Frequency (SF), Stool Count documented by Stool Frequency Subscore, Handling Discrepancies occur with Central Reader, FDA Criteria for Efficacy endpoints for UC treatment consists of Clinical Remission, Stool Frequency Subscore includes Mayo, Endoscopic Subscore includes Mayo, Central Reader confirms assessment with HD Video recordings Video equipment, Clinical Remission includes Endoscopic Assessment, Clinical Remission analyzed with covariates Reasons for study discontinuation, Rectal Bleeding (RB) assessed over Defined time period, Mayo graded as 0 = Normal no. of Stools 1 = 1-2 Stools more than normal 2 = 3-4 Stools more than normal 3 = 5 or more Stools than normal, Clinical Remission analyzed with covariates Corticosteroid Free, Clinical Remission analyzed with covariates Stratification Factors