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Access and usage control requirements for patient controlled record type of healthcare information system.pdf A conceptual security framework for personal health records (PHRs).pdf A mobile based authorization mechanism for patient managed role based access control.pdf An Access Control Model for easy management of patient privacy in EHR systems .pdf An authoring framework for security policies- A use-case within the healthcare domain.pdf A personalized access control framework for workflow-based health care information.pdf A trust-aware tag-based privacy control for eHealth 2.0.pdf Behavior-based access control for distributed healthcare systems.pdf Considering privacy and effectiveness of authorization policies for shared electronic health records.pdf Emergency access authorization for personally controlled online health care data.pdf Engineering a policy-based system for federated healthcare databases.pdf Factors of access control management in electronic healthcare- The patients' perspective.pdf Flexible access control for outsourcing personal health services in cloud computing using hierarchical attribute set based encryption.pdf Framework model and principles for trusted information sharing in pervasive health.pdf On a formal and user-friendly linguistic approach to access control of electronic health data.pdf Patient-controlled sharing of medical imaging data across unaffiliated healthcare organizations.pdf PEACE- An efficient and secure patient-centric access control scheme for eHealth care system.pdf PEC- A privacy-preserving emergency call scheme for mobile healthcare social networks.pdf Personalized access control for a personally controlled health record.pdf Privacy policies for health social networking sites.pdf Privacy-preserving personal health record using multi-authority attribute-based encryption with revocation.pdf Protecting cloud-based home e-healthcare with cryptographic scheme.pdf Scalable and secure sharing of personal health records in cloud computing using attribute-based encryption.pdf Secure Dynamic access control scheme of PHR in cloud computing.pdf Secure management of personal health records by applying attribute-based encryption.pdf Securing personal health records in cloud computing- Patient-centric and fine-grained data access control in multi-owner settings.pdf U-healthcare system protecting privacy based on cloaker.pdf UML specification of e-consent requirements in a health care system.pdf Using FHIR to develop a healthcare mobile application.pdf