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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Practice sessions, Fluency means knowledge of Facts, Strong presentation includes Engaging witness portrayals, Preparation consists of 1: Preliminary case analysis October 31 and November 7, Objectives includes Anticipation of opposing theory, Preparation consists of 3: Other TBA, Strong presentation includes Well-presented evidence, Well-presented evidence is consistent with Theme and theory, Well-presented evidence including Objections, Well-presented evidence including Direct, Well-presented evidence including Documentary evidence, 2: Small-side prep Various includes 2b: Lawyer strategy, Objectives includes Strong presentation, Objectives includes Fluency, 2: Small-side prep Various includes 2a: Fact rehearsals, 2: Small-side prep Various includes 2c; Trial practice, Preparation leads to Competitions February 27 - Regionals (Lexington County courthouses) March 11/12 - States (Richland County courthouse) May 12/13/14 - Nationals (Boise, Idaho), Fluency means knowledge of Theme and theory, Engaging witness portrayals is consistent with Theme and theory, Preparation is meant to meet Objectives, Preparation leads to Scrimmages December 5 - Openings and Directs (Public Safety courtroom) February 6 - Full case (Public safety courtroom) February 20 - Full case (Aiken County courthouse) February 26 - Full case (AHS library)