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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: CDAD Efficacy Endpoints v4ak, Covariates includes CDAD Baseline Severity, Prior Antibiotic therapy (Protocol Defined window) has option -Yes -No, Unformed Stool Count per day has value <=3, -Recurrence assessed from ????, Unformed Stool Count per day has value integer OR <=3 ɯ, Recurrence assessed between Post Study Visit, Recurrence derived from Clinical Outcome, Cured assessed from ????, Clinical Outcome assign outcome Cured, History of CDAD has option -Yes -No, Covariates includes History of CDAD, Clinical Cure assessed at EOT Visit, CDAD Signs & Symptoms includes one or more of -Fever -WBC -Abdominal Pain -Tenderness, CDAD Efficacy Endpoints v2 includes Recurrence, Unformed Stool Count per day has value integer OR <=3 ɯ, Unformed Stool Count per day has value ɯ, Clinical Outcome instantiated by No Recurrence, Alternative CDAD Medication has value -Yes -No, Recurrence assessed from ????, Recurrence assessed between Post Study Visit