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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: M, T, NEW - logic, I see a NEW lesion. Can I measure it? NO NM NEW, NM NEW NM NEW lesions are always NT, Is it target lesion? NO M/NT, M NEW lesions are always NT ask if it is M/NT - do you still need to capture its measurements? irRECIST says YES, but definition of NT is "will not be measured" and T is "will be measured"; ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? If you measure a lesion it becomes target lesion (RECIST) If there is a new lesion, it must be measured, but it is not target/index lesion (irRECIST), Is it target lesion? YES M/T, NM NM lesions are always NT, I see a lesion. Can I measure it? YES M, Is it target lesion? M NEW lesions are always NT, I see a lesion. Can I measure it? NO NM, M NEW ask Is it target lesion?, Is it target lesion? NO M/NT, I see a NEW lesion. Can I measure it? YES M NEW, M ask Is it target lesion?