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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Research approach, Sensor funding source clinics, Sankai laboratory: Dr. Yoshiyuki Sankai system Cybernic autonomous control, Soft Exosuit reference existing lab, Cybenic voluntary control Signal EGG, U.S. Army - max fast function stablize shooting, Sankai laboratory: Dr. Yoshiyuki Sankai system Cybenic voluntary control, Lockeed Martin ???? HULK, Rewalk mechanism body weight, existing lab U.S. Texas Austin : Armany, Japan Honda Walk assist, Sensor funding source space company, existing lab U.S. REX, existing lab S.Korea KAIST: Cowalk, Soft Exosuit main goal key factors, existing lab U.S. U.S. Army - max fast, Ekso Bionics ???? center of weight throughout shoulder instead of brain nerve, muscle enhancer funding source space company, Soft Exosuit emphasis manufacture, Rehabilitation function muscle enhancer, Hiroshi Kobayashi - muscl suit at koba Lab functionality pneumatic