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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Group 4 LAS Lab 2, giving the client/farmer information as to how the animal should be cared for which should encompass any possible side effects of drugs used, Holstein mix dairy cow, ɯ years old and this included Calculations for drug dosages, Hands-on exam included the observation of Tail Tone Good, Anesthesia and Analgesia and the procedures inlcude Auriculo-Palpebral Block, Physical Examination in which a thorough distance exam was conducted, Anesthesia and Analgesia and the procedures inlcude Proximal Para-Vertebral Block, Hands-on exam included the observation of Rumenal Sounds Present, local anaesthetic used in the procedures IV Regional Block, Physical Examination in which Hands-on exam, Distance exam in which the animal was at an approximated weight of 500kg, Anaesthetic Procedures involve the aspects of Pre-Operative Information, Pre-Operative Information was attained for a Holstein mix dairy cow, ɯ years old, Holstein mix dairy cow, ɯ years old and this included A physical examination of the patient, TPR for which the animal had a Temperature of 38.3°C, Hands-on exam included the observation of Moist, light pink mucous membranes, Xylazine is contra- indicated in animals with respiratory or cardiac conditions, or experiencing stress, giving the client/farmer information as to how the animal should be cared for which should encompass avoidance of secondary infection of surgical site, Intra-Operative Procedures requires Anesthesia and Analgesia, Lidocaine has a withdrawal time of (1) Meat= 1 day (2) Milk = 24 hrs, giving the client/farmer information as to how the animal should be cared for which should encompass if field grazing is allowed