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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ESR_derived_data_product-3, Climate_forcing_chapter_PDF ecoop:hasFigure Figure_1, Dataset_4_output_01 prov:wasAttributedto EcoAP_scientist, EcoAP_group foaf:member EcoAP_scientist, Figure_1 ecoop:hasImage Image_4_output_01, ESR_Climate_forcing_notebook_run dcterms:hasPart Cell_4_run, EcoAP_group prov:actedOnBehalfOf NEFSC, Dataset_4_output_01 prov:wasDerivedFrom Dataset_4_input_01, ecoop:Dataset e2 = derived dataset (a subclass of dcat:Dataset - but we don't have a catalog - I think we should specify as subclass of dctype:Dataset) prov:wasDerivedFrom ecoop:Dataset e1 = source (imported) dataset, ESR_Climate_forcing_notebook_run prov:wasAssociatedWith EcoAP_scientist, Cell_4_run prov:generated Image_4_output_01, ecoop:Dataset e2 = derived dataset (a subclass of dcat:Dataset - but we don't have a catalog - I think we should specify as subclass of dctype:Dataset) ??prov:wasDerivedFrom (could use gcis:sourceAlgorithm if IPy Notebook a subclass of gcis:Algorithm) ecoop:IPythonNotebook e4 = IPython Notebook instance e.g., ESR_pdf_pandas.ipynb, Cell_4_run prov:used cell_4, ecoop:Dataset e2 = derived dataset (a subclass of dcat:Dataset - but we don't have a catalog - I think we should specify as subclass of dctype:Dataset) prov:wasAttributedTo prov:Agent i.e., person who ran the IPyNotebook (could be assigned prov:Role gcis:Processor, Cell_4_run prov:generated Dataset_4_output_01, Climate_forcing_chapter_PDF prov:wasAttributedto EcoAP_scientist, Cell_4_run prov:used Dataset_4_input_01, ecoop:Dataset e2 = derived dataset (a subclass of dcat:Dataset - but we don't have a catalog - I think we should specify as subclass of dctype:Dataset) prov:generatedAtTime xsd:dateTime, ecoop:Document e3 = PDF document e.g., ESR_Climate-forcing.pdf at present this is only a subclass of prov:Entity but I think we could make it subclass of bibo:Document like gcis:Publication, there is also gcis:Chapter subclass of gcis:Publication and bibo:Chapter there is also gcis:Report which is subclass of gcis:Publication and bibo:Report ??prov:wasDerivedFrom could use gcis:sourceDataset with domain gcis:Publication and range ecoop:Dataset if ecoop:Dataset a subclass of gcis:Dataset ecoop:Dataset e2 = derived dataset (a subclass of dcat:Dataset - but we don't have a catalog - I think we should specify as subclass of dctype:Dataset), ESR_Climate_forcing_notebook_run prov:generated Climate_forcing_chapter_PDF, ESR_Climate_forcing_notebook dcterms:hasPart cell_4