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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Branching_out, Intro /Test preocedure / Analysis (Intro should drive material section) following pilot experiment Common sections Rather, starting from blank, then add on existing ideas, [measuring the excessive motion] depends on the accesibility, maybe force sensor/plate rather than SEMG / IMU - magnetometer normalize? ????, Rather, starting from blank, then add on existing ideas Side things: specific plan apply variability [analysis method], Experiment: comparison between vibrotactile sensor considerations Specific sampling rate for human arm motion, Rather, starting from blank, then add on existing ideas Mandatory steps: fabication and validation 1. mandatory literature review starting from now:: along with the written paper 2. possibly incorporate what I have written, Vibro-torque Haptic Feedback due 16th for all Paper/presentation types Mechatronics / Conference paper, Experiment: comparison between vibrotactile sensor considerations what subjects should be selected / pathological conditions, Mechatronics / Conference paper Key Fabrication and Validation is the main contribution 1) Main results/contributions -- what do we present that is new and different than prior work? 2) Determine roughly what figures you want 3) Main content of each section, and the number of pages for each section., Experiment: comparison between vibrotactile sensor considerations Human-in-the-loop control mechanism, Experiment: comparison between vibrotactile sensor considerations Where the sensors should go on the landamrk bones, apply variability [analysis method] expectations? ????, [measuring the excessive motion] depends on the accesibility, maybe force sensor/plate rather than SEMG / IMU - magnetometer What type of IMU is implemented in body kinematics complementary filter: accelerometer + gyro?, apply variability [analysis method] which segment? ????, Mechatronics / Conference paper Key Intro /Test preocedure / Analysis (Intro should drive material section) following pilot experiment, Experiment: comparison between vibrotactile sensor considerations how to sync IMU with OpenSim?, Fabrication and Validation is the main contribution 1) Main results/contributions -- what do we present that is new and different than prior work? 2) Determine roughly what figures you want 3) Main content of each section, and the number of pages for each section. Common sections Rather, starting from blank, then add on existing ideas, Rather, starting from blank, then add on existing ideas Side things: specific plan Experiment: comparison between vibrotactile sensor, complementary filter: accelerometer + gyro? Gyro trajectory: don't need orientation info. fast data sampling required for the dynamic body motion, apply variability [analysis method] normalize? ????, Musculoskeletal / journal paper Key Intro /Test preocedure / Analysis (Intro should drive material section) following pilot experiment