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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: social psychology.cmap, prejudice include social roots of prejudice, social roots of prejudice such as -social inequalities -Us and Them: ingroup and outgroup, prejudice include emotional roots of prejudice, attitudes and action includes attitudes affect action, SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY includes social thinking, promoting peace how cooperation, social influence how conformity: complying with social pressures, SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY includes prosocial relations, antisocial relations include prejudice, obedience:following orders teach lessons from the obedience studies, psychology of attraction explore physical attractiveness, emotional roots of prejudice such as Scapegoat teory, actions affect attitudes includes cognitive dissonance: relief from tension, psychology of attraction explore proximity, attraction how romatic love, group behaviour includes groupthink, promoting peace how contact, aggression include biology, prejudice iclude how people are prejudiced, group behaviour includes social loafing