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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Cohen.Nathan, orbitals are shown in Bohr model, charges result from gaining electrons, protrons make up the atomic mass, Covalent bonding is shown by Lewis Structures, quantities can be represented through scientific notation, Matter can take form as liquids, gasses can change state through condensation, Measurements can be defined through mass, noble gas configuration follows the octet rule, Matter can be catagorized as mixtures, charges result from losing electrons, density is the ratio of volume, quantities can be derived through accuracy, electronegativity all have specific Periodidc table trends, The Periodic Table is formed by specific types of elements called Metals, protrons determine the atomic number, octet rule require eight electrons, pure substances are comprised of elements, solids can change state through melting, Matter has the properties of intensive