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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Stallman Article, Three Main Ideas Copyrights don't protect the Author as much as it protects the publishers more. The publishers get more money and protection from the copyright. Copy right also hurts the public because they can't get the information or technology for free. This information and technology should be free for all not just some., Three Main Ideas Software producers don't produce products that the public needs they produce product just to claim its a newer version and charge more money for the same thing. This software isn't necessary it's just redone for revenue., Three Main Ideas People who produce software for the fun of it still get money for their work. Clinets will donate money for the producer to make changes to the software for updates that they need. Software producers will till make money from donations and other ways such as tax exemptions., Stallman Article Three Main Ideas