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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: cohen.quest9 water, Solutions can also be classified as unsaturated solutions, concentration is calculated by using moles, solutes can both contain hydrogen bonds, Solutions can also be classified as saturated solutes, solutes are dissolved solids, Solutions are classifed as mixtures along with colloids, molality is a ratio of moles, Solutions are classifed as mixtures along with suspensions, solvents can both contain hydrogen bonds, Solutions are classifed as mixtures along with gels, Solutions can be measured in molality, concentration is a ratio of solutes, Solutions consist of solutes, Solutions consist of solvents, concentration is calculated by using liters, saturated solutes have too many solutes, concentration is a ratio of solvents, Solutions can be measured in concentration, molality is a ratio of kilograms