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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: AT ROOFTOPS CAFÉ- Sara e Isabel, VOCABULARY about INSTRUMENTS, VOCABULARY about ACTIVITIES, CAN HE/SHE PLAY? YES, HE /SHE CAN NO´HE/SHE CAN´T for example Can he play the violin? Yes, he can., ACTIVITIES such as buy an ice cream have a drink have a snack listen to music play chess play games read comics talk to friends, CROSS -CURRICULAR TOPIC Music HOW MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MAKE SOUNDS, GRAMMAR structures WHAT´S HE/SHE DOING? HE´S/SHE´S+VERB-ING, GRAMMAR structures CAN HE/SHE PLAY? YES, HE /SHE CAN NO´HE/SHE CAN´T, WHAT´S HE/SHE DOING? HE´S/SHE´S+VERB-ING for example What´s he doing? He´s playing chess., AT ROOFTOPS CAFÉ Contains CROSS -CURRICULAR TOPIC, INSTRUMENTS such as drums flute recorder triangle trumpet violin, AT ROOFTOPS CAFÉ Contains GRAMMAR, AT ROOFTOPS CAFÉ Contains VOCABULARY