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Este Cmap, tiene información relacionada con: AT THE THEATRE-Lucía G, COMPARATIVES: LONG ADJETIVES AND IRREGULAR pattern BETTER WORSE, BETTER WORSE for example The princess is better than the queen, COMPARATIVES: LONG ADJETIVES AND IRREGULAR pattern MORE+ADJECTIVE, ADJECTIVES such as careful confident generous hard-working kind lazy mean naughty selfish shy, SUPERLATIVES: LONG ADJETIVES AND IRREGULAR pattern THE MOST+ADJECTIVE, CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPIC literature AMAZING AUTHORS, VOCABULARY about NOUNS, SUPERLATIVES: LONG ADJETIVES AND IRREGULAR pattern THE BEST THE WORSE, VOCABULARY about ADJECTIVES, GRAMMAR structures COMPARATIVES: LONG ADJETIVES AND IRREGULAR, GRAMMAR structures SUPERLATIVES: LONG ADJETIVES AND IRREGULAR, AT THE THEATRE contains GRAMMAR, MORE+ADJECTIVE for example The king is more generous than the prince, AT THE THEATRE contains VOCABULARY, THE BEST THE WORSE for example The magician is the best, THE MOST+ADJECTIVE for example The wolf is the most famous, NOUNS such as beautiful clever difficult exciting famous interesting, AT THE THEATRE contains CROSS-CURRICULAR TOPIC