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Add a photo to Evernote.url Automatically add article links to Evernote when you Save for Later in Feedly.url Create a note for every new contact you add on your iPhone.url Create link notes in Evernote from Feedly articles saved for later.url Evernote For Innovation Part 1 - Introduction.url Evernote Security.url Google Calendar sync Evernote.url How to encrypt content inside Evernote.url IFTTT - Create a text file in Dropbox when you give a note a specific tag.url IFTTT - Evernote - Dropbox Channel.url IFTTT - Quickly create a note.url Log a map of your location in Evernote.url Notion.url Place something in Dropbox it goes to Evernote.url Remember everyone you meet in Evernote.url Save iOS screenshots to Evernote notebook.url Save my iOS reminders to an Evernote checklist.url Save notes on the fly.url Save notes on the fly to Evernote.url Save receipts to Evernote.url Send Instapaper highlights to Evernote.url Send Starred Items in Pocket to Evernote.url Todoist-IFTTT Hack.url Using Drafts with Evernote - Advanced.url Using Drafts with Evernote - Introduction.url When a meeting is added to my calendar, automatically create a meeting notes document in Evernote.url