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Este Cmap, tiene informaciĆ³n relacionada con: DuniaOliva_Reading&RememberingCMAP, in order to ???? CONCENTRATE, and try to ???? CONCENTRATE, in order to HAVE A CLEAR UNDERSTANDING, using your strengths BY taking notes, THE ESSENTIAL ???? in order to, in order to ???? GET INVOLVED WITH THE INFORMATION, using your strengths TO GET INVOLVED WITH THE INFORMATION, making questions WITH POSSIBLE ANSWERS, ANSWERS ???? AFTER READING, first of all ???? A SUMMARY, in order to ???? AFTER READING, in order to ???? MEMORABILITY, using your strengths BY making questions, taking notes BUT ONLY AFTER READING, being selective BY taking notes, Reading and Remembering BY taking notes, being selective BY making questions, first of all READ THE ESSENTIAL, and try to READ THE ESSENTIAL, being selective READ THE ESSENTIAL