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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ToDo, 2017 RESEARCH PLAN ANALYZE WHAT I'VE GOT FOR SHARING PURPOSE:, fabricate the frame many defects mounting loadcells securely, fabricate the frame many defects hole misalignment, test motor detail: hall sensor & outrunner working w. Roboteq, test motor detail: whole system tuning from Matlab parameter with design interation for pulleys, categorize the literatures polish the ppt slide, proof that no research performed on the torque feedback. FOR NSF GRANT APPLICATION, categorize the literatures ???? have the shared mandelay ready, categorize the literatures top priroity proof that no research performed on the torque feedback., test motor detail: load cell measure both dir. w. Tacuna amp., test motor detail: current sensor working w. Roboteq, fabricate the frame many defects small piece holding the sleeve back: need to REPLACE, actuator module fabrication simulation matlab, fabricate the frame many defects more accurate fabrication