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Sedation resources (1) Anestesia Parvertebral em Bovinos - YouTube.url 21931218_1651608791557832_1974588277_o.png APB.png AURICULAR PALPEBRAL BLOCK Meth Adv Disadv.docx Auriculopalpebral nerve block.url digital veins.png DPB.png DPB.url hindlimb.png How to perform an epidural anaesthesia.url Method Adv Disadv.docx monitoring and client info.png RIV Forelimb Procedure.docx RIV General Info.docx RIV Hindlimb Procedure.docx RIV Indications, Precautions.docx What.docx Why.docx Why AURICULAR PALPEBRAL BLOCK.docx Why use epidural anesthesia.docx