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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Lab 8, Pre-Op What Instuments are used? With Laser, Prosthetic Laryngoplasty (Tie Back) How to prepare your horse for surgery Pre-Op, Prosthetic Laryngoplasty (Tie Back) How to care for the animal after Post-Op, Laryngohyoid reduction (SC) INTRA OP PROCEDURE, Laryngohyoid reduction (SC) PRE OP PROTOCOLS, Equine Upper Respiratory Tract Surgery Correction Option 1 Ventriculectomy/Cordectomy AKA Hobday, Laser Ventriculectomy/Cordectomy How is it done? The Pocedure, Intra-Op Procedure 1 Ventriculectomy/Cordectomy, Post-Op What should the client do? Client Education, Post-Op What can go wrong after surgery? Complications (sc), Ventriculectomy/Cordectomy AKA Hobday What is done in the Surgery Intra-Op, Ventriculectomy/Cordectomy AKA Hobday How to prepare your horse for surgery Pre-Op, Pre-Op How to keep the animal still Restraint (sc), PROCEDURE What can go wrong Complications (SC), Pre-Op What Instuments are used? Without Laser, Laryngohyoid reduction (SC) Client information Client Information, Laser Ventriculectomy/Cordectomy Things to note About (sc), Laryngohyoid reduction (SC) POST OP Complications (SC), Pre-Op Anaesthesia Standing Anaesthesia when using the laser, Post-Op What to do after surgery Moniter (sc)