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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: cmap, Post-operative includes Pain Management, Post-operative includes Prevent/treat infection, Equine Colic Treatment may be medical, Intra-operative Surgical procedures Exploratory Celiotomy, Pre-Operative includes Bloodwork (scroll over), Equine Colic Background information Anatomy, Post-operative includes CV support, Equine Colic Treatment may be Surgical, Pre-Operative includes restraint (scroll over), medical includes laxatives (mouse over), Equine Colic Background information Risk Factors, Intra-operative Surgical procedures Exploratory laparoscopy, Post-operative includes Exercise, Post-operative includes Monitoring, Pre-Operative includes Drugs (scroll over), Pre-Operative includes History (scroll over, Equine Colic Background information Clinical signs (scroll over), Pre-Operative includes signalment, Equine Colic Background information Defination (scroll over), Equine Colic Background information Diagnosis (scroll over)