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Additional info.PNG after surgery.PNG Anaesthetic Induction Critical for the safety both for the horse and the personnel.docx Bleeding.PNG clinical signs of colic.PNG CMAP9.cmap common surgical colic cases.PNG complications.url conventional.PNG Cryptorchid.PNG Cryptorchid Atieology.PNG Cryptorchid pic.PNG Cryptorchid prevalence.PNG Cryptorchid Treatment.PNG Cryptorchid types.PNG Diagnosing cryptorchids.PNG Diagnosis.PNG diagnosis of colic in horses.PNG drugs.PNG equine GIT.url Evisceration.PNG example of colic surgery.url Fluid needs.pdf Funiculitis.PNG General Info.url Horse Castration.url horse-wallpaper-4115-4155-hd-wallpapers.jpg Hydrocele.PNG image.jpg image22.jpg Incomplete Cryptorchid.PNG Lap.PNG LD Displacement of large colon.png lifecyclecyathostome.png Oedema.PNG penile damage.PNG Peritonitis.PNG post op.PNG procedure.PNG Pros and Cons of CLOSED Castration.png restraint.PNG Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 1.07.01 AM.png Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 6.06.19 PM.png Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 7.22.36 PM.png Stallion behavior.PNG Surgical approach.PNG svulgaris life cycle.gif Video showing closed castration tecnique.url