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13. Supramid Suture.jpg 14. Vicryl Suture.jpg analgesia lab10.PNG antibiotic lab 10.PNG closure.jpeg CMAP 10.cmap Cranial Abdomen Palpation.mp4 Cranial Abdomen Palpation.mp4 - Google Drive.url drugs used for laparotomy surgery .docx Endotracheal intubation.mp4 - Google Drive.url Final Sutures -Simple Interrupted.url Ford Interlocking suture.jpeg High Epidural.url image.jpg Incision site considerations.PNG Indications for Rumen Surgery.PNG lab 10 stun.PNG Left sided.PNG Ls.PNG omentum.jpeg Omentum (Ventral rumen sac also visible).mp4 Omentum (Ventral rumen sac also visible).mp4 - Google Drive.url Ovary and Corpus Luteum.mp4 Parts of the GI Tract.mp4 Parts of the GI Tract.mp4 - Google Drive.url Ready to close Muscles.jpeg Unknown-3.jpeg Uterine horn, ovary with CL.jpeg VID-20171114-WA0011.mp4 VID-20171114-WA0015.mp4