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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Kevin's CMAP of characteristics of meaningful learning Shortcut, These activities include: Use technology for inquiry Information gathering, Constructive Type 3 Intentional, These activities include: Modeling with technology Building models for Conceptual change, Characteristics of Meaningful Learning Students should be taught to: 1) Recognize and solve problems., These activities include: Writing with technology Constructing a meaningful Purpose, Authentic Type 5 Cooperative, Intentional Type 4 Authentic, These activities include: Visualizing with technologies Constructing visual representation, Engaging and active Type 2 Constructive, These activities include: Community Building and team collaborating with technologies Social interaction and identity building, 2) Construct a mental model of the type of phenomena in front of them. Analyze a situation or problem. 3) Given a new situation set goals and regulate their own learning., Students must persue tasks that are: Type 1 Engaging and active, Characteristics of Meaningful Learning Link to Referance Book Meaningful Learning with technology 4th Edition web link, 1) Recognize and solve problems. What type of problem is it? 2) Construct a mental model of the type of phenomena in front of them., 3) Given a new situation set goals and regulate their own learning. Learn to learn These activities include:, These activities include: Use technology to commnicate Encourage meaningful discusion, These activities include: Experimenting with Technology Perdicting an outcome, These activities include: Design using technology Use creative knowledge to construct possible solutions, Characteristics of Meaningful Learning students must be willfully engaged in the learning process Students must persue tasks that are:, Characteristics of meaningful learning image link Characteristics of meaningful learning yoututbe video Video link to help teachers who want to implement a meaningful learning envirnoment