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_images Actor Network Theory.url Blogs in Plain English.url Communities of Practice - Lave and Wenger.url Connectivism - A Learning Theory for the Digital Age.url Dialogic Space - Wegerif.url Discovery Learning - Bruner.url Facebook.url Free Open Access Meducation.url Google+.url Mind in Society - Vygotsky.url New literacies - everyday practices and social learning - Everyday Practices and Social Learning.url Self-directed learning - Knowles.url Seminar on Network Theory Keynote - Bruno Latour - video.url Social Learning and Teaching mediated through Social Media.cmap Social Learning and Teaching via Social Media.cmap Social media use within medical education.url Teaching Crowds - Learning and social media.url Todaysmeet.url Twitter.url Twitter in Plain English.url Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development - Instructional Implications and Teachers' Professional Development.url WhatsApp.url Wiki in Plain English.url Wikispaces.url Wordpress.url