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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: CMAPS, Electronic Components includes Capacitors, Electronic Components includes Transistors, Diodes have 2 types Standard LED, Carbon Fiber Metal Film has Carbon film resistors are a significant improvement on carbon composition. However, in comparison to metal film and metal oxide film, the commercially available range steadily decreases. Metal and oxide film are not more expensive to produce, and have overall better properties., Capacitors shows Holds The Charge Of Electricity, Ohms Law shows Ohms Law is Voltage=Current x Resistance. The relationship between Voltage, Current and Resistance in any DC electrical circuit was firstly discovered by the German physicist Georg Ohm., Carbon Fiber Metal Film has Metal Film have much better temperature stability than their carbon equivalents, lower noise and are generally better for high frequency or radio frequency applications., Electrolytic Ceramic means A ceramic capacitor is a capacitor which uses a ceramic material as the dielectric. The two most common types are multi-layer ceramic capacitors and ceramic disc capacitors., Capacitors With A Masssive Microfarad, Engineers Will Layer The Insulation In The Ceramic Capacitors, Allowing Them To Create A Big Amount Of Capulation aswell as Electrolitic Capacitors Contain Liquid Electrolight, Capacitors have 2 types Electrolytic Ceramic, Transistors shows a semiconductor device with three connections, capable of amplification in addition to rectification., Resistors measured by ohms, Inductors shows An Inductor is a passive electrical component consisting of a coil of wire which is designed to take advantage of the relationship between magentism and electricity as a result of an electric current passing through the coil, Electronic Components are modeled by Ohms Law, Transistors have 2 types NPN Trasnsistors and PNP Transistors, Capacitors ???? tutorial, Inductors they have types Bobbin based inductor, Capacitors shows Capacitors With A Masssive Microfarad, Engineers Will Layer The Insulation In The Ceramic Capacitors, Allowing Them To Create A Big Amount Of Capulation, Electrolytic Ceramic means An electrolytic capacitor is a type of capacitor that uses an electrolyte to achieve a larger capacitance than other capacitor types. An electrolyte is a liquid or gel containing a high concentration of ions. Almost all electrolytic capacitors are polarized, which means that the voltage on the positive terminal must always be greater than the voltage on the negative terminal., Kirchhoff's Voltage Law shows the algebraic sum of all the voltages around any closed loop in a circuit is equal to zero