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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Group G Lab 1, Instruments Scalpel Handles Size 3, Aspects of Large Animal Surgery ???? Instruments, EQUIPMENT Miscellaneous Lamb Aspirator & Resuscitator, DRUGS Vitamins & Supplements Iron Dextran 20%, EQUIPMENT Reproductive Instruments CIDR, DRUGS Theriogenology Fertiline, Instruments Needle Holders Olsen Hegar, SUTURES Surgical Needles Eyed, DRUGS Anaesthetics Ketamin !0%, Instruments Scissors Dressing, EQUIPMENT Reproductive Instruments Emasculator, Absorbable Multifilament Polyglactin 910 (vicryl), Ectoparasite ???? Doramec, DRUGS Antibiotics Trisulkel 240, EQUIPMENT Reproductive Instruments Eye Hook, Instruments Scalpel Blades Size 11, Instruments Needle Holders Castroviejo, Instruments Tissue Forceps Bishop Harmon (Smoothed), EQUIPMENT Grooming and Restraint Hoof Knife, SUTURES Patterns Far-Near-Near-Far