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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Investigating equine lameness, DDFT sheath block Block with Mepivicaine, Medial Palmar Nerve block is part of High-4 point Nerve block, The Foot localized by Nerve blocks, Which leg(s) cause Mechanical interference, Is the Horse lame? No No further action, Lateral Palmar Nerve block is part of High-4 point Nerve block, Distal metacarpal/tarsal localized by Intrasynovial blocks, Nerve blocks if suspecting Contraindication to Blocking, Intrasynovial blocks include Navicular bursa, Is the Horse lame? Yes How severe is the lameness, Nerve blocks include Low-4/6 point Nerve Block, Fetlock Joint block Block with Bupivicaine, Navicular bursa Block with Lidocaine, Fetlock Joint block Block with Mepivicaine, Intrasynovial blocks include DDFT sheath block, High-4 point Nerve block Block with Mepivicaine, Coffin Joint block Block with Bupivicaine, Musculoskeletal localized to Distal metacarpal/tarsal, Abaxial Sesamoid Nerve Block Block with Mepivicaine, Nerve blocks include Palmar Digital Nerve Block