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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Lab 5, Castration When should this be done? Young bull calves*, Drugs such as Flunixin*, Advantages Production Meat is more palatable, Post-op Commonly used Tetravet*, Drugs such as PenStrep*, Open-closed method requires Procedure*, Post-op Immediately after surgery Sedation Reversal*, Open-closed method requires Instruments, Instruments Suture material*, Materials/ Instruments these include Chlorhexidine solution*, Post-op Commonly used Screw Worm Spray*, Post-op Commonly used Fly repellant*, Physical Restraint methods such as Nose Pinch*, Castration involves Closed Castration, Advantages Production Easily removed hides, Drugs such as Lidocaine*, Sedation Reversal* Using Tolazoline, Advantages Management Prevent malignant disease or irreparable injury to testes, Complications include Scirrhous cord formation*, Physical Restraint methods such as Tail Jack*