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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Castration in bulls, Knowledge what is needed to perform a castration Pre-operative considerations, Client Communication Informs client about Consent, Welfare significance and Pain mitigation what are the welfare significances assosicated with bull castration? (MO) 1. Physical castration causes pain and side effects which may include increased risk of infection, severe inflammatory response etc. 2. Young calves recover quicker and have fewer complications than older calves. 3. Acute pain caused by Burdizzo methods is less than that caused by surgical, rubber-ring or latex-band castration. 4. There is no evidence to show young calves experience less pain than older calves. 5. Local anaesthesia eliminates acute pain caused by rubber-ring or latex-band castration. 6. Local anaesthesia combined with a systemic analgesic, such as the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ketoprofen (in case of lab Flunixin was used), eliminates pain caused by Burdizzo or surgical castration. 7. Castration of older males without anaesthesia is deemed inhumane and unethical. 8. Use of pain relief is an additional cost for producers. Pain relief may be limited by the availability of drugs for farmers to use and the scarcity of veterinarians in farm animal practice., Open Two types Open - Open, Pre-operative considerations Followed by Intra operative Considerations, CASTRATIONS when? Castrations should be done at 1 to 2 months of age in cattle (ideally ɚ months depending on procedure) (MO), Client Communication Informs client about Extra label drug use (MO), CASTRATIONS Definition? Castrations of a bull (male) calf is the surgical process of removal or destruction of the testicles., Cleaning and Wound Dressing for Open castration, Open castration included Observation*, CASTRATIONS begins with Pre-operative considerations, Drug Withdrawal Times Informs client about Welfare significance and Pain mitigation, Intra operative Considerations ends with Post operative care, Intra operative Considerations what is needed during the surgery? Restraint (MO), Intra operative Considerations what is needed during the surgery? Drugs (MO), Pre-operative considerations What needs to be done before castration? Distance and Physical Exam, Knowledge of Anatomy, Suture Techniques includes One handed Surgical knot, Knowledge of Suture Techniques, Intra operative Considerations what is needed during the surgery? Assistance (MO)