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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Complications of Castration, Complications asscoicated with Castration include Bacterial infections, Complications asscoicated with Castration may result because of Poor postoperative and intraoperative procedures (MO), Poor surgical technique Inexeperience of operator Improper use of castration instrument, Complications asscoicated with Castration may result because of Poor surgical technique, Complications asscoicated with Castration include Performance (MO), Complications asscoicated with Castration may result because of Improper use of castration instrument, Complications asscoicated with Castration include Haemorrhage (MO), Complications asscoicated with Castration include Disease (MO), Complications asscoicated with Castration include Excessive swelling or edema (MO), Complications asscoicated with Castration include Poor wound healing (MO), Complications asscoicated with Castration include Gangrenous scrotal sac (MO), Complications asscoicated with Castration include Failure to Castrate (MO), Complications asscoicated with Castration may result because of Inappropriate castration method done at inappropriate age (MO), Complications asscoicated with Castration may result because of Faulty Equipment, Complications asscoicated with Castration include Physiological stress (MO)