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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Anatomy, Classification, PreDis Conditions, Site ???? Inguinal region*, Classification hernias can be classified based on Condition of Contents, of Hernia* includes Hernial Ring*, Complicated or Uncomplicated Complicated hernias Umbilical hernias assoc. infection of umbilical remnant/s, Predisposing Conditions include Septic Omphalitis, Site ???? Scrotal region*, Anatomy ???? of Region, Predisposing Conditions include Violent impact*, Complicated or Uncomplicated Complicated hernias Umbilical hernias w/visceral incarceration, Condition of Contents such as Incarcerated hernia*, Predisposing Conditions include Increased intra-abdominal pressure*, Complicated or Uncomplicated Complicated hernias Umbilical hernias w/localised, subcutaneous infection/abscess, Condition of Contents such as Strangulated hernia*, Classification hernias can be classified based on Contents, Classification hernias can be classified based on Complicated or Uncomplicated, Hernial Ring* can be due to Persistent prenatal opening*, Anatomy ???? of Hernia*, Predisposing Conditions include Wound dehiscence*, Hernial Ring* can be due to Accidental rupture of the abdominal wall, Condition of Contents such as Non-reducible hernia*