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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: pre-op, complications, Contents which include Stomach (gastrocele), Contents which include Omentum (omentocele), Monitor Vitals Every 5 min while under general anaesthesia Cardiovascular status*, Anatomy ???? of Region, Site ???? Inguinal region*, Conservative methods* Includes Hernial Clamps*, Hernia* ???? Complications, Intra-op Attempted in lab Surgical removal, Conservative methods* Includes Elastrator Band*, Monitoring ???? Normal Healing*, Site ???? Umbilical region*, Contents which include Urinary Bladder (vesicele), Anatomy ???? of Hernia*, Site ???? Scrotal region*, of Region ???? Umbilical Vein*, Conservative methods* Includes Daily Reduction*, Monitor Vitals Every 5 min while under general anaesthesia Depth of anaesthesia, Hernia* includes Pre-Op, Intra-op During surgical procedures Monitor Vitals, Monitor Vitals Every 5 min while under general anaesthesia Respiratory rate*