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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Group G Lab 9, dorsoventral incision through the skin exposing cutaneous trunci muscle using a scalpel cut through muscle layers cutaneous trunci, external abdominal oblique, internal abdominal oblique, transversus abdominus *, Right sided approach Palpable Anatomy In-Situ, Preoperative Procedures include Drugs, Anatomy can be divided into Right sided approach, Day Before ???? Mucous Membranes, Exploratory Laparotomy Involves Preoperative Procedures, Open patient Lie patient on left side Right flank should be fully accessible to surgeon, Preoperative Procedures include Day Before, Intraoperative Procedures Includes Ventral midline approach*, Exploratory Laparotomy Involves Intraoperative Procedures, Right flank should be fully accessible to surgeon Place surgical drapes Along lumbar vertebrae, tubercoxae, last rib and ventral abdomen, Day Before ???? Shaving, Postoperative Procedures includes Catheter Removal*, Exploratory Laparotomy Involves Postoperative Procedures, Both the internal and external abdominal oblique muscle layers are sutured together using a simple continuous pattern and the same suture material as above Last suture Cutaneous trunci and skin are closed using a ford interlocking suture pattern, Preoperative Procedures include Immediately Prior to Surgery, Postoperative Procedures includes Daily Monitoring*, Right para-lumbar fossa First Open patient, Exteriorize organs lastly Close Patient, Peritoneum and transversus abdominis are sutured together using a simple continuous pattern * second suture Both the internal and external abdominal oblique muscle layers are sutured together using a simple continuous pattern and the same suture material as above